//Unlike what most beleive, the world actually is a journey of wonder and imagination. The moment you lose sight of child like wonder, the moment you become a boring feces sponge. This immutable fact is further propigated throughout senseless loss of one's self (HAHAHAH FUCKING LOVE THE APOSTROPHE BULLSHIT). There will likely be punctuation and spelling errors, I have left a list of cancer at the bottom. Feel free to put any of those charachters where you want them [(:]. Anyway, I feel like we should get off on the right foot. I will essentially function as a real life game guide, or at least to the best I can. I may be a shitty guide, but at least I will enact my own wimbs and torment you with ramblings and incoherent nonsense. If you find my typing to resemble a certain sort of online microcosm; keep it to yourself. In addition to that, if you have any problems with it, feel free to take it up with the complaint department (Complaint Department -->🖕).